Frequently Asked Questions

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Are you for real?

What do you mean by real? Does my non-fiction really relate what's happened to me? Yes it does. Do I believe that magic is real and can be performed in such a way as to change the world around us? Yes I do.

You can read an interview I gave last year to promote Memoirs of an Exorcist here.

More information for the sceptical

Your biography seems to skip a lot of details, both here and in your book. Why is that?

My biography is kept deliberately vague because I like my privacy, and to protect the people close to me. All that's really important is what I'm doing now, and if you like my work then that's all I'm worried about. Let the rumours fly, and I shall neither confirm nor deny any of them (I'll make exceptions for things I find offensive, though). Doesn't the mystery make it more exciting?

Exactly which traditions have you studied?

I've been busy over the years, that's for sure. I've had the great good fortune to work and study with practitioners of everything from crystal healing to Vodou, and found things to recommend them all. What's kept me moving is my itchy feet, and a fascination with the correlations between different magical systems. To steal a computing metaphor: if the systems we use are interfaces, what fascinates me is the machine code behind that.

No, that's not answering the question. Remember the mystery thing I mentioned?

So why the hell should we believe you?

I'm going to trust you to work it out for yourselves. When I write fiction or comedy, it's clearly labelled as such and is obviously Not True. When I write non-fiction, it's Not Fiction. When I say something happened to me, or to someone else, you have to decide whether or not I'm telling the truth; no amount of history is going to help you do that.

What's with the blog?

Because people seem to be interested. Because it's a good way for me to tell people about stuff that's coming up. Because it allows me to see what you think about stuff and engage in dialogue occasionally with people I might not otherwise talk to.

Do possessed people really spew pea soup?

Not that I've noticed, and I figure my dry cleaner would have mentioned something by now.

What's the scariest thing you've ever seen?

Take That announcing a comeback tour.

Have you ever been in danger while working on a case?


Every case we handle is potentially dangerous. This isn't a job that treats people well, and each case has its own risks attached. That's why we place such a strong emphasis on self-defence.

Will you teach me to do what you do?

No. I'm an impatient, irritable and harsh taskmaster with a capricious temper, and the people I work with are saints for being able to stand my company at all. You wouldn't get any benefit from studying with me, and I'd be more likely to put you off magic entirely.